New Jersey Library Association Secretaries*
1890 - 93 Martha F. Nelson
1893 - 98 Beatrice Winser **
1898 - 01 Clara W. Hunt
1901 - 03 Sarah S. Oddie
1903 - 04, 1905 - 06 Elizabeth H. Wessen
1904 - 05 Edith Brinkman
1906 - 07 Marie L. Prevost **
1907 - 09 John M. Rogers
1909 - 13 Edna B. Pratt **
1913 - 14 Louise G. Hinsdale
1914 - 15, 1922 - 23 Lynda Phillips
1915 - 17 Norma Bennett
1917 - 18 Julia Schneider
1918 - 19 Irene A. Hackett
1919 - 20 Mary Parsons
1920 - 21 Florence W. Bowman
1921 - 22 Adeline T. Davidson **
1923 - 24 Harold F. Brigham **
1924 - 25 Bessie Newkirk
1925 - 26 Dorothy Burrows
1926 - 28 Dorothy A. Pinneo
1928 - 31 John B. Fogg **
1931 - 32 May Garton
1932 - 33, 1939 - 40 Dorothy A. Abrams
1933 - 34 Elizabeth Butcher **
1934 - 36, 1941 - 42 Mildred G. Brown
1936 - 37 Helen L. Todd
1937 - 38 May E. Balliett
1938 - 39 Hannah P. Severns **
1940 - 41 Janet F. Melvain
1942 - 43 Elizabeth Dorety
1943 - 44 Frances Boyle
1944 - 45 Harriet Forbes (Burdick) **
1945 Olivia Way ***
1946 - 47 Margaret Fansler
1947 - 48 Irene Janes
1948 - 49 Julia H. Killian
1949 - 50 Ruth Tubby
1950 - 51 Ethel Murphy
1951 - 52 Hazel K. Levins
1952 - 53 Veronica Cary *
1953 - 54 Beatrice Stuckert
1954 - 55 Mildred Lease
1955 - 56 Ruth Scarborough
1956 - 57 Juliette Trainor
1957 - 58 Marianna Mershon
1958 - 59 Anne Bell
1959 - 60 Peter Hiatt
1960 - 61 Joyce Brodowski
1961 - 62 Kenneth McPherson *
1962 - 63 Mary H. Duffy
1963 - 64 Anne Edmonds
1964 - 65 Gladys Eckhardt
1965 - 66 Sarah Raddin
1966 - 67 Florence Sellers
1967 - 68 Helen Montgomery
1968 - 70 Doris Grady
1970 - 71 Selma Kessler
1971 - 73 June Adams *
1973 - 74 Gladys Bewley
1974 - 75 Sr. Agnes Craig
1975 - 76 Dorothy Jones *
1976 - 77 Jeanne Boyle
1977 - 78 Lola Reed
1978 - 79 Linda Goff
1979 - 80 Alyce Bowers
1980 - 81 Rosemarie Librizzi
1981 - 82 Sara Eggers
1982 - 83 Barbara Irwin
1983 - 84 Norma Yueh *
1984 - 85 Nancy Vernon (Adamczyk) *
1985 - 86 Joan Dicker
1986 - 87 Lynn Hunter
1987 - 88 Irene Stiller
1988 - 89 Margie Epple
1989 - 90 Beth Ziegler
1990 - 91 Joyce Smothers
1991 - 92 Cynthia Czesak *
1992 - 93 Maureen Gorman
1993 - 94 Timothy Murphy *
1994 - 95 Mary Page
1995 - 96 Jayne Beline
1996 - 97 Penny Page
1997 - 98 Ellen Parravano
1998 - 99 Gail Colure
1999 - 2000 Barbara Sikora
2000 - 01 Janet Wheeler
2001 - 02 Michelle Maiullo
2002 - 03 Heidi Cramer *
2003 - 04 Jennifer Konopacki
2004 - 06 Margery Cyr
2006 - 07 Nicole Cooke
2007 - 08 Jennifer Lang
2008 - 10 Nancy Weiner
2010 - 11 Karen Topham
2011 - 12 Anne Wodnick
2012 - 14 Christopher Carbone *
2014 - 15 Leslie Kahn
2015 - 16 Jill D’Amico
2016 - 17 Maryann Ralph
2017 - 18 Kate Russo
2018 - 19 Mo Donohue
2019 - 22 Kate Jaggers**
2022 - 23 Heather Dalal
* From about 1962 to about 1977, there was also a Corresponding Secretary
** Also served as President
*** Way resigned as Secretary in December. Mary Barrett was elected to replace her but never served. Fansler was then elected in Spring 1946